Wednesday 12 September 2012

Addictive Blogger Statistics

Despite being well-acquainted with behavioural economics I am not immune to being influenced by it. Google Blogger, through which GuruHogg exists, provides live updates on the number of people reading GuruHogg - it is addictive! I promise that if it weren't for the live statistics I wouldn't be too bothered how many people read GuruHogg, but with live stats it is a completely different matter...

12th September

You can see which are the most popular posts. You can even see which country readers are from:

This changed my behaviour. I quickly moved from being ambivalent about readership to being addicted to the stats. A simple 'nudge' made all the difference. By constantly giving me updates about how many people read GuruHogg I became interested in increasing that number. This is not necessarily a bad thing; I actually suspect that thinking about what people read the most may have improved the posts I put up here. But I am trying to be less interested by the stats because it is not a driving motivation behind GuruHogg.

Anyway, I ramble. In conclusion, no one is immune from being nudged into different behaviour. Not even GuruHogg!

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